Posts filed under "painting evaluation"

Documenting your art collection and Painting Evaluations

I found a great article to share!  It contains much of the same information I share with my clients.  I like to contain all information regarding the art collection on its separate portable hard drive...something small and compact so it doesn't take up too much room in your safe deposit box at yourbank.


The Importance Of Documenting Your Art Collection -

Posted on July 16, 2011 and filed under "Art collecting", "art documentation", "painting evaluation".

The Western Art Dealer: Painting Evaluations

This is such useful information from Buddy Le's Blog "The Western Art Dealer" that I just wanted to share it!

The Western Art Dealer: Painting Evaluations: "People always want to know what their artwork is worth. With the popularity of Antiques Roadshow, a lot of people have cleaned out their attics in hopes of finding something worth a small fortune. I love when people come see me and bring in an old dusty painting with more cracks than Humpty Dumpty and swear it's valuable because they saw a painting on Antiques Roadshow that had a similar looking horse in the background."
Posted on February 1, 2011 and filed under "Services", "art documentation", "painting evaluation".